Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Somebody parked Mayor’s car towed from City Hall

Somebody parked in the spot label Mayor at Stockton City Hall on 21-09-13 and had his car towed. Turns out that somebody was Mayor Anthony Silva.

The towing happened around the time Stockton City Council woman Dyane Burgos was to wed fiancĂ© Gustavo Medina on the steps of City Hall - where they met while both serve internships. 

I was just informed that while I am here with my son on a mini trip for his birthday presents that my car was towed from the front of City Hall. It seems that a City Council Member is having a wedding. But my car was parked in the spot that says MAYOR...

I want her to have a good wedding. Everybody deserves to have memories that last a lifetime on their wedding. But someone just should have called me, which is all. They know that it is my car.On Sunday, the mayor posted he'd received a details.

Last night I was contacted by two individuals who work for the City. It was told to be that the incident that happened at City Hall was nothing more than a simple mistake and unlucky error ... So I want to make it clear that I accept that this was an accident ... Blame is not to be placed on any staff member, council member.

1 comment:

  1. There is a creepy car that is always parking across the park. I was wondering if I could call a professional towing service in Tallahassee FL to tow the car. Does he have to be out of the car?
