Somebody parked in the spot label Mayor at Stockton City Hall on 21-09-13 and had his car towed. Turns out that somebody was Mayor Anthony Silva.
The towing happened around the time Stockton City Council woman Dyane Burgos was to wed fiancé Gustavo Medina on the steps of City Hall - where they met while both serve internships.
I was just informed that while I am here with my son on a mini trip for his birthday presents that my car was towed from the front of City Hall. It seems that a City Council Member is having a wedding. But my car was parked in the spot that says MAYOR...
I want her to have a good wedding. Everybody deserves to have memories that last a lifetime on their wedding. But someone just should have called me, which is all. They know that it is my car.On Sunday, the mayor posted he'd received a details.
Last night I was contacted by two individuals who work for the City. It was told to be that the incident that happened at City Hall was nothing more than a simple mistake and unlucky error ... So I want to make it clear that I accept that this was an accident ... Blame is not to be placed on any staff member, council member.
There is a creepy car that is always parking across the park. I was wondering if I could call a professional towing service in Tallahassee FL to tow the car. Does he have to be out of the car?